Students Raising Hands

Master of Education in Initial Teacher Licensure

想在获得硕士学位的同时获得教师资格证书? 从澳门威尼斯人赌城获得初级教师执照(MEdITL)学位! 如果你正在寻找一个职业转变,或者已经获得了一个认可机构的学士学位, but haven't yet received a teaching license, then the MEdITL program is just what you've been looking for. 虽然我们知道不是每个人都能在标准的工作日上课, 我们在设计教育硕士课程时考虑了灵活性,以便为您提供最清晰的成功之路. To ensure that our program aligns with your busy schedule, 我们战略性地开发了一种独特的混合结构, online, 面对面的形式,提前为你安排好时间表.

During your time in the MEdITL program, you will add the latest educational research, theory, 并实践你在本科课程中获得的学科知识. Through this program, 你将准备好接受各种各样的机会,同时仍然追求创造性的路线和建立你对未来的成长愿景. We offer post-baccalaureate (licensure only), job-embedded, 执照计划中的硕士学位途径包括:


Admission Requirements

查看以下详细信息,以确保您有资格进入澳门威尼斯人赌城的MEdITL课程. To qualify, you must:

To qualify for admission into the Enhanced Clinical Practice in Student Teaching, you must complete the following:

Licensure Requirements

MEd Degree Exit Requirements

Job Embedded Pathway

LMU是国家批准的,通过在我们所有的执照产品中嵌入工作经验来提供执照. 如果你在LMU的教师执照计划中表现良好, 你可以在学习EDUC 570/571期间申请工作嵌入课程. Acceptance into the Job Embedded Program is NOT an automatic approval. To be considered for admission, you MUST complete and comply with the following:

*牌照署署长处理所有有关嵌入工作的候选人的牌照申请. LMU受TN DOE和TN SBOE的规定和政策的约束,这些规定和政策可能会改变项目要求.

Note: 进入工作嵌入式项目可能需要改变你的课程交付,包括两个学期的EDUC 593.

How To Apply

Apply through the LMU portal 申请进入LMU并获得初级教师资格证书课程的教育硕士学位.

Graduation and Licensure Requirements

在攻读硕士学位的同时,获得了LMU的教学执照, there are certain benchmarks that you MUST meet in order to complete the program. 要获得毕业资格,您必须达到或超过以下要求:

Learn more about the initial teacher licensure requirements.

MEdITL Handbook

Program Outcomes

在完成澳门威尼斯人赌城初级教师执照教育硕士课程后, 你将有机会向你梦想的职业迈出第一步. For years, LMU的MEdITL项目为成千上万的专业人士提供了一条改变职业生涯和寻求成功的途径,作为教师,他们在整个州和我们周边地区的课堂上塑造了未来.

Contact Us

想了解更多澳门威尼斯人赌城澳门威尼斯人赌城MEdITL学位课程的信息吗? 随时澳门威尼斯人赌城,我们将帮助您迈出成功的第一步,并回答您可能遇到的任何问题!

Stephanie Johnson
Phone: 865.531.4136

Carter & Moyers School of Education
6965 Cumberland Gap Parkway,
Harrogate, TN 37752
Phone: 423.869.3611

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LMU is ready to assist you in your academic journey!